Photo by Jeff Shuh | @jeffshuh


It’s the topic of the week, day and hour, “How do I get more Instagram followers?” As the social space grows more crowded by the day, this has become increasingly important – and difficult, especially since the new algorithm was introduced and kicked us all in the teeth.


In the blogging world Instagram currently runs the show – how many followers you have, how many likes each photo gets and how many comments are all taken into consideration by brands looking for influencers to partner with. So the more followers you have, the more work you get, the more money you earn. It’s simple, right?


Not so much. Simple in theory, but challenging in practice. Building an Instagram account takes commitment. It can be incredibly discouraging, time consuming and nothing less than frustrating. But with the right strategy you will see a growth in your numbers. Just remember it’s not a popularity contest, it’s a business – so treat it that way.


  1. Define your aesthetic. Strong branding is important across the board with blogging, but when it comes to Instagram a consistent aesthetic and style is essential. You want all of your content to have the same look and feel so your followers recognize your image before checking your handle, thus establishing a strong brand. I re-edit most of my blog photos when posting them on Instagram to ensure my Intsa aesthetic is maintained. This is also necessary for the next point…
  2. Maintain a strong top 9. Your ‘top 9’ are the last 9 images you’ve uploaded to your feed creating the 3 x 3 grid users initially see when they click on your profile. This is essentially a preview to your feed and your strongest opportunity to convert a new follower. It’s all about balance, ensuring each image sits well next to the ones around it i.e. rotate back in forth between darker and lighter images, rotate between busy and clean images, balance your colours so they’re pleasing to the eye. Basically you need to think of your feed as a work of art, it’s your ‘grab’ and the better the art the stronger the grab. One of the best Apps for pre planning your feed is UNUM (you’re welcome).
  3. Engage with others. I have this listed as number 3 but it’s just as important as the previous two, especially with the new algorithm. You have to engage with others to get yourself out there! So warm up the old thumbs, start double tapping and get those comments rolling. Through doing so you 1) create an active account which Instagram will pick up on and in turn be more likely to feature on the explore page, and 2) elicit engagement back, which places your account on other people’s following feed. It’s the trickle effect! The more you engage, the more you’ll trickle through the space. Keep in mind the new algorithm tracks what type of content you engagement with to define what type of content it shows you. You can use this to your advantage.


So there you have it, my secrets are out. Happy gramming, guys!


Third Form Wrap Dress here (similar slip version here)

Axel Arigato Slip-ons (similar here)

Chloe Drew Bag here

Kapten & Son Watch here

Dior Sunnies here

© Laurie Ferraro 2018